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Thank you -nil-

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Paper from Poo!!!

Whats on your mind?
What's on your mind?

No, I am not talking in any way about "Winnie the Pooh", that is Pooh with a "h". Yes, you are seeing it right, there is no apparent problem either with your computer screen, with your eyes or with your spectacles. Now don't say "Eeeeeeeek!", that's very impolite :P

That was the cue for the "Oooooooh" to be said out aloud. Anyways, let me try to Ooh you with some more information about these environmental initiatives that have been started across the globe by a few people. Most of the information that I am sharing here has been lifted, filtered and supplied to you in brevity from the websites of PooPooPaper, Creative Paper, Mr. Ellie Poo and Haathi Chaap.

Did you know that just in 2005, the avergae consumption of paper across the world was 54.48 kg/person/year (Source: FAO). Staggering figures.

These are some of the companies that have taken upon themselves to make this globe a little more colder if not a little less warmer. They make paper from Elephant Poo, Sheep Poo and a company in Wales even claims to produce it from Rein Deer Poo, Ho Ho Ho.

1. This paper is organic.
2. It does not smell of poo (it would have been a stupid idea to sell a mishy-mashy product which stinks of poop and expecting you to actually write on that, no matter how a big a greenhead you are)
3. Lots of dung produced, dung full of fibre, paper production needs fibre taken traditionally from different waxes and saplings, Voila! imagine how much paper can be produced from all this dung produced. Imagine how many trees can be saved from being cut.
4. No artificial colours are generally used, these people are smart enough not to spoil the goodwill that they might be generating for the Organic-products lobbyists! though some of them did accept to trying various imaginative if not a bit eccentric feeding practices to induce more colour into the poop and so in the paper!

They don't just sell notebooks, rather they have a very large repertoire of goods that based on paper that they sell either online or through some specialized/environmentally conscious stores.

If you are staying at New Delhi and want to have a look at these products, the products made by Haathi Chaap can be bought from Tatsat at Hauz Khas.

IMPORTANT **This post has been written by me for the Weblog, "Tatsat - People, Planet and Profits" in my capacity as a contributor to that weblog. This is just a reproduction. If you liked this post, then please visit and go through the whole blog.**

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